Modify a color parameter as saturation, light or alpha parameter.
color.col = NULL,
operation.str = NULL,
parameter.str = NULL,
alpha.bln = FALSE,
prctMutation.num = 0.2
- color.col
<character or numeric>: color in any format.
- operation.str
<character>: must be one of "=", "+", "-", "*", "/", "%*%" or "%/%".
"=" put the choosen parameter at the prctMutation value; e.g if parameter=0.6 and prctMutation.num=0.2 returned parameter=0.2
"+" add at the choosen parameter the prctMutation value; e.g if parameter = 0.6 prctMutation.num=0.2 returned parameter=0.8 (0.6+0.2)
"-" subtract at the choosen parameter the prctMutation value; e.g if parameter = 0.6 and prctMutation.num = 0.2 returned parameter=0.4 (0.6-0.2)
"*" increases the choosen parameter of the prctMutation value; e.g if parameter = 0.6 and prctMutation.num = 0.2 returned parameter=0.72 (0.6 + 0.6*0.2)
"/" decreases the choosen parameter of the prctMutation value; e.g if parameter = 0.6 and prctMutation.num = 0.2 returned parameter=0.48 (0.6 - 0.6*0.2)
"%*%" increases the choosen parameter of the prctMutation value of the rest; e.g if parameter = 0.4 and prctMutation.num = 0.2 returned parameter=0.68 (0.6 + 0.4*0.2)
"%/%" decreases the choosen parameter of the prctMutation value of the rest; e.g if parameter = 0.4 and prctMutation.num = 0.2 returned parameter=0.32 (0.6 - 0.4*0.2)
- parameter.str
<character>: the parameter that will be modify (one of "saturation", "light", "alpha").
- alpha.bln
<logical>: whether the alpha layer should be returned. (Default FALSE)
- prctMutation.num
<numeric>: the percentage of modification. Must be between [0-1]. (Default 0.2)